When to Choose Rail or Intermodal Logistics Services

First let explain in detail what exactly are these two transport services? What is the rail freight shipping and what is intermodal freight shipping? First the rail freight shipping means the supply of certain types of cargo from one place to another using some type of freight train. What gives us the advantage of using this logistics services?

The rail freight shipping is possibly the cheapest transportation of cargo that exists. When should you definitely use this logistics services and no other? The answer is simple when there is a direct railway line from the place of dispatch and receipt of freight. If the infrastructure allows that use only a train to transport your cargo, you can surely benefit from this mode of transportation. This is not only the cheapest but also the safest and most environmentally friendly way to transport goods and cargo.

Good and large logistics companies have all kinds of freight cars that allow transport of any type of load or commodity. Logistics companies use refrigerated containers, containers for transporting liquid cargo, fuel wagons for transporting bulk materials (building materials etc.) and special wagons for the transport of coal and other raw materials.

The rail logistics services also use the containerization of the cargo. This means that once your freight is loaded and sealed in the ISO containers it will be delivered without having to open the container. It also saves the cost of transport because sometimes unloading and loading of the goods from one vehicle to another exceeds the cost of the carriage.

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